Monday, January 30, 2006

Home Again, Home Again

After a whirl-wind eleven days, Joanna and I returned home yesterday exhausted and saturated with movies. In fact, if I see one more person walking down the street in a fur coat and Uggs acting self-important with a Blackberry at the ready, I will stab them with a giant icicle. However, that doesn't mean I won't be more than happy to return for Sundance '07! I can't compete with Joanna's (undeserved) ode to me, but I can give a huge "thank you" to her for inviting me along on this adventure. She was easygoing and fun until the end (even when we started bickering about who threw snow at whose face/camera first). And it doesn't hurt that she shares my impeccable taste in movies and can teach me everything I need to know about B-list 20-something actors. Thanks Joanna!

Ok, so this part won't be interesting to everyone, but someone asked me for a list of the celebrities we saw at Sundance. Here's as many as I can think of at the moment (with IMDB links for some of them). I'm sure Joanna can add a few as well.

Jennifer Aniston
Alan Arkin
Gillian Armstrong
Fairuza Balk
Gael Garcia Bernal
Jessica Biel
Alice Braga
Scott Caan
Steve Carell
Helena Christensen (supermodel)
Toni Collette
Joan Cusack
Paul Dano
Ruby Dee
Robert Downey Jr.
Rachel Dratch
Roger Ebert
Patrick Fugit
Crispin Glover
Maggie Gyllenhaal
John Hawkes
Imogen Heap (singer from Frou Frou)
Adam Horovitz (Ad Rock from Beastie Boys)
Jason Isaacs
Ashley Judd
Andrew Keegan
Greg Kinnear
Justin Kirk
Shia LaBeouf
Diego Luna
Marlee Matlin
Dave Matthews
John C. McGinley
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
Tangi Miller
Trevor Morgan
Chazz Palminteri
Alexander Payne
Dennis Quaid
Anthony Rapp (RENT!)
Michael Rappaport
Peter Sarsgaard
Sam Shepard
Will Shortz (editor of NYT crosswords)
Andrew Shue
Elizabeth Shue
Kevin Smith
Shannyn Sossoman
Rider Strong
Trudie Styler (wife of Sting)
D.B. Sweeney
Tilda Swinton
Channing Tatum
Robin Tunney
Gus van Sant
Rufus Wainright
John Waters
Wim Wenders
Adam Yauch (MCA from Beastie Boys)

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Almost Fugit

I knew I would always love Patrick Fugit for his portrayel of young William Miller in "Almost Famous." Not even the ham-fisted "Saved" or the Lifetime-esque "White Oleander" could change my mind. But then he went and made a good movie, nay a great movie, and rewarded me for four years of slavish devotion (and he's only one year younger than me, so it's not gross!). "Wristcutters: A Love Story" is a quirky, off-beat and hilarious story about love and suicide. This movie is SO good it made Shannyn "block of wood" Sossamn look like a real human being. But most of all it's about Patrick being charming and cute (while being depressed and morose, not many can accomplish that). I went into super-paparazzi mode, and came up with this speciman. In the continuing vein of "stars are people too, guys," witness Patrick pulling some paparazzi action himself.

The movie also won us over for utilizing the super-fab Ukrainian band Gogol Bordello (did you see "Everything is Illuminated?" That band!). As we were discussing the band, this terminally short, leather-jacketed individual sidles up to us with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. Instead of offering to sell us drugs, he told us his band played in the movie and that they would be playing again in Park City before we left. As he proffered us a CD out of his beanie (yes you read correctly), he admitted it would be a good show if his throat can heal. The doctor's daughter in me bubbled out and I said, "Well keep smoking, then." Christina, in her profound eembarrassment dragged me away. We'll be seeing them play tonight so we'll keep you posted on whether it's worth your time. But, we hear Fugit is playing. OH JOY!!

Speaking of music, Christina and I were at once elated and crushed when we saw that Ben Folds and Liz Phair were playing. We knew we would probably miss it due to our work schedule, but we thought we should at least ask. We found out from the scary bouncer man that it's a private concert. WHY ADVERTIZE IN BIG LETTERS IF IT'S PRIVATE? I ask you. Later that same evening, I struck up conversation with a dude on the shuttle who has the same scarf as I do. Not an easy feat, see the picture of me on the left with my friends Jake and Heath(which I can't get to rotate properly). Turns out this guy represents Liz Phair and offered to get us in. Damn our impossible schedule!! We could have been exclusive and stuff.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Why We Don't Mind Being Walking Advertisements

At long last, the second star-stalker is posting, although Joanna was right when she said I've been by her side for many of the previous posts. There has been a request that I also comment on the Gael encounter. Honestly, I was so star-struck at the time that my memory's a little hazy. I needed Joanna to remind me what I said to him. I saw him again a few days later (sans nerd glasses) when his female body guards fended off other rabid fans as he ran away from them across the street. He was too speedy to get a picture.
Anyway, onto the the topic of the post. As you walk down Main Street, you see signs up for all sorts of Sundance sponsors - everything from the Entertainment Weekly Cafe to the hordes of people decked out in Moviefone red snow suits. I would comment on how commercial and consumerist this is, except for one thing - the sponsors give us free shit. Not only can we create entire outfits from the clothing we've received from Kenneth Cole, Adobe, and VW, we can also go to their venues on Main Street and grab more stuff. The VW booth has free T-shirts, Junior Mints, and even VW-shaped pasta. We're personally big fans of the venues that hand out free alcohol (yes yes, I've broken my pact, but only a couple of times!). The danger of free-flowing Stella Artois is that we might have shown up to work drunk last night. Eh, all of the patrons are doing it, so why can't we? All right, off to see our second Justin Kirk film (he's so dreamy and so so gay). Sadly, we slept through the Gosling's movie, but with my eagle-eyes, I'm sure I'll spot him and Rachel Mac before the week is done.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Ode to my traveling Buddy

In case you haven't traveled with Christina, I just want to say that she is the best traveling buddy I've ever had (sorry Mor!). This girl has such a positive attitude, even when we get up at the butt-crack of dawn to go see movies.

If it weren't for her, I would probably despair as much as the drunken girl we saw in the music cafe the other night. So travel with Christina! She's the best!

P.S. Some of y'all have accused me of being a little piggy about this blog, not letting Christina get a word in. Well we just figured out how to let her, but also you should know that she's usually sitting right next to me as I type, we're SO joined at the hip. So when I say we, I mean it!

P.P.S. The only thing I hold against her is that she just saw my boy Peter Sarsgaard on Main Street! Booo! That's what I get for leaving her side! Oh well, I touched Kevin Smith twice last night!

P.P.P.S If you ever want to see any of the images in greater detail, just double click on them and they should open in a new window.

Monday, January 23, 2006

M-M-M gooood

Sorry this is all so hasty and not so very entertaining, we have limited free time and even less sleep time. That being said, we had a pretty awesome time at the music cafe the other night. We caught the end of Imogen "beauty in the breakdown" Heap's set. Homegirl has cray cray hair. But we were even more stoked to see Rufus Wainwright who played a short but sweet set. Aside from the swaying drunken gay dudes next to us who insisted on singing "Harmony" along with Rufus, the show was great. Rufus covered everything from tight pants, to one of Bea Arthur's bitchiest moments to the rapid fuglification of Britney Spears. Um, actually, I guess all those topics are pretty gay.

Christina and I saw two great movies this past weekend staring the steamy and Mexcelente actors Diego Luna and Gael Garcia Bernal. For Diego's film, "Solo Dios Sabe" we were in the front row (after waiting two hours in the bitter cold). Witness the pretty (on the left).

Even better, on the way out, Christina used her eagle eyes of rabid fandom to spot Gael Garcia Bernal, (uncharacteristically unmolested by hordes of girls) despite his longish hair and nerd glasses. Christina did very well in the face of her tesoro and even shook his hand. We like Gael and all, but the dude is TINY and has soft soft womanish hands. Just FYI. We saw Gael's fim, "The Science of Sleep" this morning. It's tied for favorite movie of the festival. Alas neither Gael or Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine) showed up, so no pretty pretty Gael pictures. Sorry ladies. Anyway, gotta run, that's all for now!

p.s. Mom, I molested Will Shortz for his autograph but I'm saving Wordplay to watch with you!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Tales from the Shuttle

Have you ever taken a bus or shuttle in Park City? No? OK, we advise you avoid it if at all possible.

Scary Story #1: You guys know the microphone that drivers are meant to use to call out your next stop? Our insane ukrainian driver decided the microphone meant he must provide us with constant "hilarious" commentary on his scary, life-threatening driving. Some highlights from his routine included:

"Oh I almost speared that guy with the ski rack" and
"Who ran that red light? It was never me! No way!" and, our favorite
"Yeah, we don't really have brakes on these things."

Scary Story #2: On our way home from work the other night (1 am counts as night, right?) we met the FREAKIEST (to our knowledge) driver. We thought we were lucky to get an empty shuttle, now we realize everyone else was too smart to ride with him. After "regaling" us with tales of mountain-top, midnight, snow-related death, the driver turned off the interior lighting, chuckling, and said "Now you're alone in the dark with a dirty old man." AHHHHHHH! We got off at the next stop (which was ours anyway, so never mind).

p.s. In the next post, Music, Mexicans and Movie Reviews!

Stars are people too, guys

First, the bad news. I think Robert Downey Jr. may have a substance abuse problem. I know, I know, it's surprising, but listen to our tale of woe. We saw RDJ's movie, "A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints" (HATED it), and, all through the panel discussion he oddly rocked his body against the brick wall while wearing train conductor trousers and sky blue kicks. When our co-worker, the delightful and charming Charlie Brown, reminded RDJ of a night of drunkenness they shared together, Rob started screaming obscenities. Unnecessary! Then, to prove to the crowd he was a nice guy, he gave an autograph to this truly heinous woman who sat next to us and kept talking throughout the movie. Poor RDJ, too drug-addled to tell the difference.

However, our purely non-physical crush on Steve Carrell deepened yesterday morning when we saw his movie, "Little Miss Sunshine" (LOVED it). When a gawky, gushy fan told the cast he wanted to give them each a hug, Steve-O ran up the aisle and fulfilled the man's dream. Awwwwww! (p.s. Greg Kinnear is puffy!)

Finally, Rider Strong, of Boy Meets World fame (don't pretend you never watched it) not only rode the bus with us, but also saw a low-budge horror film last night at midnight. Rider (or, Sean, as we prefer to think of him) is looking much better these days, now that the Disney Channel is no longer dressing him.

p.s. Dave Matthews stuffed his ballot in Christina's box. Sources close to the singer claim he was "slow and gentle."

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What a Long Strange Trip It's Been

Day One:

So, guys, yesterday were up at 3 am, that's really early, by the way, in case you hadn't noticed. We almost missed our flight due to a burly young team of hockey players (the Everblades) and their ever-blading luggage (sticks! pads! pucks! oh my!). But we had time enough before boarding to take a too hip for school picture of ourselves.

Our in-flight entertainment included eavesdropping on three lovely ladies from, we're guessing, Marin County. First on the convo agenda, new samples of a botox-like substance. They don't know what it is, but that won't stop them from using it. We were also privileged to hear some horoscopes! Apparently, a "recruiting theme" in this lady's life was good fortune. Finally, fitness! Alpha Marin Lady's husband has found a great new work out tool, the Cow Bell! Apparently a recruiting theme in this woman's life is not knowing what she's talking about. These darling women were, of course, headed to Park City. We were hoping the would at least be fashionable Marin ladies, but, alas, we caught site of truly heinous be-sequined tan camo jeans. HEIN!

We're here, it's AWESOME. No stars yet, but tons of snow, which, as most of you know, I've freakishly never seen. Christina and I are ambitiously planning to see eighteen movies while we are here. Sleep? Who needs it? Check us decked out in our schmancy swag!

P.S. I haven't fallen YET, but we're all on pins and needles waiting for me to biff it.
P.P.S. We get to use a radio, probably, which means we will be learning all sorts of schmancy lingo. OK, over and out!!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Meet the Cast

Hey friends and strangers! Christina and I are well aware that these sort of things are mostly for the writer to commemorate his/her journey and not for the reader to really enjoy and cherish. Nonetheless, we were hoping that you, our nearest and dearest, as well as strangers out there in cyberland might enjoy hearing about our trip. That said, for those of you who don't know me (Joanna) or don't know my lovely friend (Christina), this is a segment I like to call, meet the cast. And if you think that's the last lame-o movie term I'm going to drop in this blog, you really don't know me at all.

JOANNA (J. Ro., Jojo, Jomama)

Age: 24
Occupation: Bookseller
Star most in danger of being accosted by me: Peter Sarsgaard
Favorite Legit Movie: O Brother Where Art Thou?
Favorite Guilty Pleasure Movie: Beastmaster

CHRISTINA (Beans, X-Tina)

Occupation: Ivy League Graduate (I KNOW, she's smart!!)
Star most in danger of being accosted by me: Gael Garcia Bernal
Favorite Legit Movie: Amelie
Favorite Guilty Pleasure Movie: Orgazmo