Friday, January 26, 2007

The night-time sniffling, sneezing, stalking, stuffy-head, fever so you can rest medicine

Here's a word to the wise and terminally ill. If someone hands you an Airborne tablet that LOOKS like those yummy chewable Vitamin C pills, do NOT, I repeat, do NOT pop it in your mouth. Dissolve in water, not the mouth's natural saliva. This was like the pop rock from hell.

Well our time here is winding down and, in order to preserve our sanity and my life expectancy, Christina and I have been taking it easy. Sleeping more, and stalking less. We saw a terrific film last night called Joshua. It's a horror/thriller thingie with enough humor (via the marvelous Sam Rockwell) to make it all work. Apparently it will be released in the summer. I didn't sleep during the film this time, but I did step on the director's coat. Ahhh, class.

Christina saw a Kiwi flick titled "Eagle vs. Shark" which was bit of a Napoleon Dynamite rip-off dressed up as an Eagle, wait, no, a Shark. Anyway, so she tells me, there was a line that went something like "The Eagle is pretty much my favorite animal." Hmmmm.

We've had much better luck with the shuttle drivers this year. One young man dropped us off at the front of a theater only to encounter us still walking home a few minutes later at the back of the theater. He stopped the shuttle (which had other travelers on it) and waited for us to approach and asked, "What happened to you girls? Where are you going?" We didn't need a ride (we were only a few blocks from home) but OH MY GOD? Right? The anti-Muni driver (I'm looking at you #6 Haight driver who left me in the rain, you know who you are).

I also want to say a word about Black Snake Moan. It's been getting some bad press, but I liked it much more than I thought I would. So please ignore the bad press, sexploitation ad campaign and the vomit inducing "It's Hard Out Here For a Nymph" slogan (same director as "Hustle and Flow"). Samuel L. Jackson and Christina Ricci are AMAZING, the music is fantastic, and Justin Timberlake is not as bad as you would expect.


P.S. Things I unexpectedly learned last night:
1) How to tie a noose.
2) That my co-worker is FRIENDS with Jonathon Crombie, a.k.a. Gilbert Blythe of "Anne of Green Gables" fame. All you ladies out there know who I am talking about.
3) That it IS possible to leave your pants behind after a one night stand (don't worry mom, it wasn't me) oh and (don't worry Christina's mom, it wasn't her either).
4) A tasty british slang word for the woman pocket.


Blogger ash said...

Gilbert!!! Seriously!!! Oh my god...I had the hugest crush in the history of crushes on him when I was little. And the whole one night stand thing reminds me of something that Christina encountered in London, but I won't mention it on here ;)

And what's the Brit slang? I'm interested :)

8:16 AM  

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