Sunday, January 28, 2007

People gave us extra drink tickets - no buens...

Oooook, so Joanna and I just returned from the Awards Night party, and yes, people were handing us their extra drink tickets left and right. Needless to say, we had a fun night.

- Joanna talked to our favorite director from last year, Carlos Bolado (a resident of San Francisco!).

- I got up the nerve to accost the "Rocket Science" people again and managed to get a picture with them. The good (sad?) part was that my favorite guy was like, "Were you the girl from the bus?" To which I responded, "Yes, I'm stalking you." And he said, "That's hot." That's right, the 18-year-old possibly gay actor told me my unhealthy habits were hot. Jackpot!

Ok, we have to be up in 4 hours. This is not good. Night night!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

The End Is Near

After a whirlwind week and a half, we find our time here in Park City coming to a close. The shwag tents have disappeared. The celebrity count is dwindling. Our bodies are tired.

We have had the opportunity to see two hyped films in the past couple days. The first is "Teeth," about a teenage girl with vagina dentata. You can probably figure out what that is. It was a disgusting, strange, creepy movie, and although we agree it was overrated, I'm still happy we saw it. It'll be released in theaters, but due to the high number of detached male members featured in the film, we have a feeling it won't be released unedited. This morning we saw "The Savages" with Laura Linney and Philip "Hobo" Seymour Hoffman. They were both fantastic, as always.

As I waited for the shuttle after the movie, I realized that the lead actors from "Rocket Science" were standing right in front of me. Once we got on the shuttle, I approached them and sputtered out, "I-I-I just wanted to say that R-rocket Science was my favorite movie of the whoooole festival. G-g-good luck at the Awards Ceremony!" Which is appropriate, seeing as the movie was about a kid with a stutter. Anyway, they were just as small and pretty up close, and I'm glad I had my one brave moment of the festival.

Oh, for those of y'all that read, you should check out the last few Sundance-related posts. Joanna left a couple comments, and the reviewer even gave her props for recommending "Rocket Science" to him. Yay Joanne! She's famous.

Friday, January 26, 2007

The night-time sniffling, sneezing, stalking, stuffy-head, fever so you can rest medicine

Here's a word to the wise and terminally ill. If someone hands you an Airborne tablet that LOOKS like those yummy chewable Vitamin C pills, do NOT, I repeat, do NOT pop it in your mouth. Dissolve in water, not the mouth's natural saliva. This was like the pop rock from hell.

Well our time here is winding down and, in order to preserve our sanity and my life expectancy, Christina and I have been taking it easy. Sleeping more, and stalking less. We saw a terrific film last night called Joshua. It's a horror/thriller thingie with enough humor (via the marvelous Sam Rockwell) to make it all work. Apparently it will be released in the summer. I didn't sleep during the film this time, but I did step on the director's coat. Ahhh, class.

Christina saw a Kiwi flick titled "Eagle vs. Shark" which was bit of a Napoleon Dynamite rip-off dressed up as an Eagle, wait, no, a Shark. Anyway, so she tells me, there was a line that went something like "The Eagle is pretty much my favorite animal." Hmmmm.

We've had much better luck with the shuttle drivers this year. One young man dropped us off at the front of a theater only to encounter us still walking home a few minutes later at the back of the theater. He stopped the shuttle (which had other travelers on it) and waited for us to approach and asked, "What happened to you girls? Where are you going?" We didn't need a ride (we were only a few blocks from home) but OH MY GOD? Right? The anti-Muni driver (I'm looking at you #6 Haight driver who left me in the rain, you know who you are).

I also want to say a word about Black Snake Moan. It's been getting some bad press, but I liked it much more than I thought I would. So please ignore the bad press, sexploitation ad campaign and the vomit inducing "It's Hard Out Here For a Nymph" slogan (same director as "Hustle and Flow"). Samuel L. Jackson and Christina Ricci are AMAZING, the music is fantastic, and Justin Timberlake is not as bad as you would expect.


P.S. Things I unexpectedly learned last night:
1) How to tie a noose.
2) That my co-worker is FRIENDS with Jonathon Crombie, a.k.a. Gilbert Blythe of "Anne of Green Gables" fame. All you ladies out there know who I am talking about.
3) That it IS possible to leave your pants behind after a one night stand (don't worry mom, it wasn't me) oh and (don't worry Christina's mom, it wasn't her either).
4) A tasty british slang word for the woman pocket.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

We're bringing stalking back

WE SAW J. TIM!!!!!! Christina got the best picture ever. We will post it one day soon.

Also, to celebrate we split a bottle of champagne at a wine bar. Champagne plus head cold plus black diamond ice equals certain death. Dunh Dunh Dunh.

We sleep now.


p.s. Even IF Joanna is more drunker than Christina, Christina PUSHED a drunk and ILL Joanna into a snowbank. That is all.

humunah hummunah hummunah

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

And I Still Haven't Found What I'm Stalking For

If any of you are up on your Sundance gossip, you will know that the latest controversy involves the movie "Hounddog" which features a rape scene with young Dakota Fanning. I guess a lot of people were really upset and thought that the inclusion of that scene was inappropriate. Of course, none of those people had seen "Hounddog" yet, but whatever. Last night our team had the pleasure of premiering that movie at our theater, and let me tell you, it was crazy. Due to fears of protest and other negative response, we had a huge team of security working with us, and little Dakota had to be escorted by them through back doors and dark hallways. She had more security than Puff Daddy (and Bono! who graced us with his presence this morning, sunglasses and all).

First of all, anyone who actually watched the film realized that any controversy is ridiculous. The scene in question is brief and doesn't really show anything at all. And, besides, I would have to agree with the director in saying that suppressing films that deal frankly with rape will only hinder our society's ability to confront and process this problem.

But seriously, folks, the real cause for alarm is not whether or not we see Dakota Fanning get raped but the frequency with which she butchers the Elvis classic, "Hound Dog." Homegirl has a pitch problem.

So sorting out the "Hounddog" mess took us until 11pm last night and Christina and Joanna basically went home, fell into bed and dragged their asses up by 5:30am this morning in order to deal with the second screening of "Hounddog" at 8:30am. Most of you who took high school biology with Joanna know she doesn't deal well with darkened rooms on little to no sleep. So it's no suprise she dozed ever so slightly during the 11:30am screening of John Cusack's "Grace is Gone." Not even the close proximity of Bono, Cusack and Cusack's fashion mullet could keep Joanna awake.

Unfortunately, when the director of the film got up to use the bathroom, he had to slightly shake Joanna in order to get any information out of her. She may have also bumped heads with him in her frantic yet drowsy search for a flashlight. Good times.

Two French films for us tonight! We're so cultured!

"Un Amour" nos amis!

Joanna and Christina.

p.s. Best film in the past few days: Four Sheets to the Wind.
New Favorite Celebrity: Sarah Polley of Avonlea fame.
p.p.s. They should rename this festival Nasty Sexdance '07. This is a pervasive theme.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Star Jackpot

Well our theater may not be the best in terms of heating or proximity to eating establishments, but I must say it has been a great place for celebrity sightings/interactions. Last night John "Tall & Dreamy" Cusack graced us with his presence. Joanna physically ran into him (by accident, no really), and I got to direct him to the bathroom. The plus side is that he was very nice; the downside is that I think he had highlights and he popped his trenchcoat collar.

Last night we also experienced the phenomenon that is Sean "P. Diddy" Combs and his entourage. He was tall, he was wearing all white, he was surprisingly polite and put up with our creepy coworker who asked to see pictures of his children. He did not, according to co-worker "I'm From Canada, Eh" Oliver, wash his hands after using the restroom. Also, co-worker, "Mountain Man" Andrew, had fun messing the the Diddy entourage:

M.M. Andrew: I'm sorry, guys, but you can't save all of these seats.
Posse: Um, it's all right, we're with Sean Combs.
M.M.A.: Who?
Posse: You know, Puff Daddy.
M.M.A.: Uh, who? I don't care who you're with, you need to move your coats.

Also included in our list from last night:
Alessandro Nivola
Parker Posey
Harvey Weinstein (newly thinned down)
Lili Taylor (no ticket, but very cute!)
Ben Savage (a.k.a The Boy who Met World)
Drea de Mateo
Philip Seymour Hoffman (looking especially homeless)
Hot Dean (from Gilmore Girls)
Not-So-Hot Dean (from Veronica Mars)
Dave Matthews AGAIN (this time he stuffed Joanna's ballot box)
Sam "Snaggletooth" Rockwell

P.S. If a movie called "The Night Buffalo" is ever released (and I doubt it will be), be warned that it involves a naked girl peeing on Diego Luna. Sometimes being hot and Mexican is just not enough to save a movie.

P.P.S. As we were on shift last night we weren't able to snap photos of our stars but today we plan to spend a good chunk of time on Main St. where the flash bulbs will be popping. Expect blurry, unrecognizable photos soon.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

In which Joanna is a Giant Wuss

We saw a movie this afternoon just for Patrick Fugit and, ahm, I chickened out in talking to/taking a picture with/innapropriately touching him. Christina did her best and even tried to physically force me into his personal space (that's a good thing.) We also almost ran full-on into cray-cray Juliette Lewis as she was flailing about crying "I'm entourage!!"

p.s. Zooey Deschanel is really pretty and I want her boots.