Saturday, January 27, 2007

The End Is Near

After a whirlwind week and a half, we find our time here in Park City coming to a close. The shwag tents have disappeared. The celebrity count is dwindling. Our bodies are tired.

We have had the opportunity to see two hyped films in the past couple days. The first is "Teeth," about a teenage girl with vagina dentata. You can probably figure out what that is. It was a disgusting, strange, creepy movie, and although we agree it was overrated, I'm still happy we saw it. It'll be released in theaters, but due to the high number of detached male members featured in the film, we have a feeling it won't be released unedited. This morning we saw "The Savages" with Laura Linney and Philip "Hobo" Seymour Hoffman. They were both fantastic, as always.

As I waited for the shuttle after the movie, I realized that the lead actors from "Rocket Science" were standing right in front of me. Once we got on the shuttle, I approached them and sputtered out, "I-I-I just wanted to say that R-rocket Science was my favorite movie of the whoooole festival. G-g-good luck at the Awards Ceremony!" Which is appropriate, seeing as the movie was about a kid with a stutter. Anyway, they were just as small and pretty up close, and I'm glad I had my one brave moment of the festival.

Oh, for those of y'all that read, you should check out the last few Sundance-related posts. Joanna left a couple comments, and the reviewer even gave her props for recommending "Rocket Science" to him. Yay Joanne! She's famous.


Blogger SR said...

Joanna, AKA "Red Beanie GUY!" 75% IMDB memorized, yep, that's her.


8:38 PM  

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